Oh, Lady Be Good
This Volume presents a follow-up to the “Fascinating Rhythm” episode, engaging viewer participants in another toe-tappin’ George and Ira Gershwin classic: “Oh, Lady Be Good” (1924). KOMITOMS “Oh, Lady Be Good” presents a wealth of experientials geared to Viewer Participants seeking a high level of engagement and exacting challenges. This episode packs in six segments, each exploring the Gershwin tune through a new musical lens. KOMITOMS “Oh Lady Be Good” opens with a high energy Swing n’ Sing-Along, and features non-stop rhythmic exercises to get VP’s movin’ and groovin’, incorporating body rhythms, drums, tambourines, and dance, all before closing with a relaxing Tone Bar Play Along and Cool Down. These activities, while challenging and stimulating, are also adaptable, integrating a safe and accessible approach to engagement, e.g. even simply listening, playing along, or singing can promote cognitive stimulation and skill-building.